New illustrations for Zazzle and Cafepress
Since my last post I noticed that my production of new illustrations started go down. I might have touched this point that creating an illustration for a design is a bit harder than a pattern. For a pattern it is easy to get inspiration. Patterns are everywhere, in advertisement, on the web, there are even…
Cafepress shop setup alongside Zazzle
Years ago I set up a Cafepress shop for the Dutch Mars Society. Cafepress was the place to go for print-on-demand t-shirts. I always found the user interface unfriendly and difficult. Soon after I discovered Zazzle and was impressed how Zazzle implemented their user interface. I left the Cafepress shop for what it was and…
Illustrations sell better than patterns
Recently I’ve come to a surprising conclusion that illustrations sell better than patterns. It’s been a while since I posted a blog, October and November were rather busy. But I didn’t sit on my hands. I did some research on my sales to see what actually sells best. I made a lot of patterns, but…
Martian Colonists art on Pinterest
Martian colonists are a hot topic with Elon Musk wanting to start a new civilization on Mars. Manned Space and Mars are a bit of a hobby of my On Pinterest I created a new board with Martian Colonists art. Well, not real Martian colonizers, but I like the sound of it. I do get…
Japanese lozenges and starting with Pinterest
First, I created some Japanese patterns, Japanese lozenges, Japanese fish scales and a hemp leaves pattern. By the way, Zazzle doesn’t like the word “hemp”, so on Zazzle I replaced that with “herb”. At the moment I have well over 1700 products. In the last two months I created three times as many products as…